Countless people are getting placed in the criminal justice system on meager charges. Then, the system offers them “Legal Misrepresentation,” even though Gideon v. Wainwright (Alexander, 2012, p. 85) stated that they are entitled to an attorney if they are accused of a serious crime and indigent. Yet, public defendant attorneys lack resources and are overburdened with a substantial caseload that they cannot give defendants suitable representation. Subsequently, these accused people are forced into a plea deal to offset spending the mandatory maximum sentences in prison. Bad Deal This is a “Bad Deal” suggested Alexander. She explores how the lack of representation ends into a plea deal by the prosecutor in a manner of giving the accused a favor. Even though, it locks a person in to only convicting him/herself. She knows that the prosecutor has the ultimate decision to dismiss or add additional charges, which holds the key to his/her life. I agree with Alexander because the prosecutor is like the ‘god of the courts.” Defendants asked for leniency and the prosecutor offers a deal and they take it because they are tired of sitting in jail, but few realize that by taking …show more content…
Some people who were convicted for selling drugs were supporting their drugs habits. She suggested they would be better suited in a treatment facility. I concur, as a substance abuse counselor, I encountered many drug dealing addicts. It’s important for them to gain sobriety and develop positive coping skills. They cannot accomplished this by sitting in jail because many jails are ill-equipped for treatment. Alexander also points again the severity of drug charges which includes numerous years to life in prison and she supports her claim with cases Harmelin v. Michigan and Lockyer v. Andrade and the Eighth Amendment of cruel and unusual punishment (Alexander, 2012, p.