Gift Card Fraud Summary

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On October 13, 2015, the AP department received a tip about from the fraud department that a large quantity of gift cards was purchased at their store with fraudulent credit cards on October 2, 2015.

Investigative Support/Findings:

On October 13, 2015, after receiving a tip from an APM of Manhasset, Fraud Investigations Manager David Hill investigated the purchase of several gift cards. The gift cards were purchased at the New York Lord and Taylor store and at the Albany store from the dates of September 20, 2015 and October 7, 2015. The gift cards were then sold to a company called Raise, who buys gift cards off of customers for a discounted value and re-sells the gift cards for profit. Raise revealed that they had purchased many gift cards from the same seller. Raise gave the gift card numbers …show more content…

On October 17, 2015, the three subjects now known as Sequoia Hill (Female), Ajoni McChriston, and Francis Evelyn came back into the Albany Lord and Taylor store. Again then went directly to Tiara Boone register and started buying gift cards with several credit cards. On one of the transactions the credit card used did not work, so they tried a different credit card.
After all transactions were finalized by Boone, all three subjects were apprehended by the Guilderland Police Department. The Guilderland Police sent Detective Brian Leach to investigate the case and while he was here he spoke to Boone briefly. Tiara admitted to knowing one of the males, Francis Evelyn, and said that he was from Brooklyn where Tiara had lived up until about two years ago. At this time, Detective Brian Leach has received a search warrant for the impounded car used by the subjects on October 17, 2015. Sequoia Hill was arrested and brought to jail while both Ajani McChriston and Francis Evelyn were released until more evidence could be