Gingerism Racism

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Is Gingerism a form of racism? Red hair occurs naturally in a tiny percent of the human population, only an estimated 1-2% have the “ginger gene”.So shouldn’t this minority be celebrated? Despite their uniqueness,or due to their uniqueness nearly all redheads feel they have experienced different levels of what is known as Gingerism. This is prejudice against or maltreatment of people with red hair and is more serious than you think, but is it vicious enough to be classed as a form of racism? Gingers being victimised for nothing other than their hair colour is nothing new. As far back as the 16th-17th centuries in Europe redheaded women were regarded as witches and burned at the stake. Nowadays thankfully nothing as sinister as this goes …show more content…

It is also denied as being racist because: there have been no stories of any redheads being refused a job, they are never stopped by the police as seen to be a threat/terrorist and finally they are not confronted by political parties or movements that would like to see them deported from the country. So does this make everything else perfectly acceptable? Gingers may not face any problems like this but they are still put through a lot just because they are different. They are physically assaulted and receive perpetual slagging that as mentioned before is shrugged off and deemed as a joke by today’s society. A tesco advert in 2009 featured a child sitting on santa’s knee with the slogan “Santa loves all kids, even ginger ones”.This just illustrates the attitude towards redheads and how they are seen to be inferior to everyone else i.e something to be avoided. The advert may be intended as innocent humor but imagine all the little kids reading this and thinking that there was something wrong with them because of their hair. I think that if you take anything negative said about gingers and aim it towards a black person ,people would be shocked/disgusted.Then I think that society would realise that yes ,this prejudice is indeed a form of racism. Having red hair myself I think that banter from friends is okay and can appreciate the sense of humor. Although anything beyond that should be taken seriously and is equivalent to racism. We do have feelings and i think you will agree that verbal/physical assault for our appearance is cruel and wrong. If hating someone for their skin colour makes sense to the majority, then why is it so hard for people to feel the same towards a difference in hair

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