Girl Scout Research Paper

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Almost every american child has once tried ballet, soccer, karate, cooking, or something of that sort. In the beginning of our lives we try to find, or our parents try to find for us, a hobby, or a passion that we may take up for the rest of our lives, for me this passion was the girl scouts. As a young child I did not quite understand what the girl scouts were, I consumed my time searching for bugs, playing outside, and participating in other activities that any other spirited six year old would do. When my mother first told me she signed me up for the girl scouts, I can assume I wasn't all that elated. I believe, at that time I already had a preconceived notion to what the girl scouts encompassed, sitting inside, doing arts and crafts, …show more content…

For the Bronze Award a girl scout must work twenty hours with fellow girl scouts to complete a project to better the community, for my Bronze Award I sewed a hundred blankets and donated to the guide dogs of america. For the Gold Award a girl scout must work eighty hours on a project to better the community, something which I plan to complete during the course of my high school career. For the silver award a girl scout must work fifty hours to complete a project to help the community, for this I learned an invaluable life skill . When I first decided to take on my silver award I brain stormed multiple ideas, I knew I wanted to do something that involved animals and something that would have a lasting impact, but I wasn't quite sure exactly what. After much research and thinking, I came up with an idea that I thought would be remarkable and impactful, I decided for my silver award I wanted to work with the government of Los Angeles to create a tax incentive for all animal shelters which did euthanization their animals. Once I was assured that I truly wanted to work on a tax incentive for non-euthanization shelters for my silver award, I immediately got to work because I knew it would be no easy

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