Giver Essay Outline

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Aspen Winberg
The Giver

“Take pride in your pain; you are stronger then those who have none.” Lois Lowry. When you have pain you are getting stronger. And when you have no pain you are getting weaker. In the giver most people don’t experience pain so they are weak but Jonas has been experiencinh pain so he is stronger. The real world and The Giver are different and also very simular.

The laws in The Giver are very different from our real world. In The Giver you cant have more then two kids and they have to be one girl and one boy.”Two childeren- one male, one female-to each family unit” lowry, lois. the giver. Evanston: McDougal Littell , 1993. Print. Page 10. You also must apply for the kids so they are just given to you. Another law is that you can’t see anyone naked unless they are a new child or and elderly. Also you are not allowed to touch anyone outside of your family unit. In our world we have many different laws that we must follow or you can get is serious trouble or get put in jail. In modern world you don’t get released either. …show more content…

Once you are a twelve you don’t have any more ceremonies and you are giver your role in the community.”’ Well, it’s the last of the Ceremonies, as you know. After twelve, age isn’t important.”’ lowry, lois. The Giver. Evanston: McDougal Littell , 1993. Print. Page 18

When you are nine you get your bike and you volunteer to help the community. Plus when you turn nine and you’re a girl you get to take your hair ribbons out and you never have to wear them again.
The real world and The Giver have many differences but also have some similarities. There are many laws that are different but same in many ways. Also The Givers traditions are very different from ours but The Giver is someone’s utopia and someone’s dystopia. The real world is also someone’s utopia and someone else’s