Glass House Mountains Research Paper

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Introduction The Glass House Mountains are an iconic part of Queensland. There are fourteen mountains, however, twelve were volcanoes. This report contains information such as how the glass house mountains were formed and what types of rocks are found at the volcanoes. How were the glass house mountains thought to have formed? Well, there are many theories. There is the aboriginal legend, the Bible theory and then the scientist theory. All of which lead to the same conclusion, however, the processes of getting to the conclusion are completely different. Scientist's believe that 30-22 million years ago the continent was thought to be moving over a 'hot-spot' in the earths mantle beneath the crust. Then about 25 million years ago lots of dome-like plugs of magma were forced through the surrounding older rocks, filling volcanic vents or subsurface bulges. They are now exposed from the ground and are called the Glass House Mountains. The Bible theory believes that the sandstone was placed as the floodwaters from the story of Noah were rising in the earth, and placing extensive sedimentary sheets across thousands of kilometres of the landscape. The aboriginal legend seems to mention the flood of Noah as it says "One day when Tibrogargan was gazing out to sea, he perceived a great rising of the waters. He knew then that …show more content…

These rocks come in colours of yellow, pink, pale grey and other light colours. The Glass House Mountains are intrusive plugs, Molten rock filled small vents or intruded as bodies beneath the surface and solidified into hard rocks, also known as Trochyte and Rhyolite. The rocks at the Glass House Mountains are extrusive igneous rocks, meaning that they were former above the ground. The rocks are extrusive as none of them have large crystals, this is because they were cooled too quickly for the crystals to

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