Glenmorangie Distillery: Case Study

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Alcohol has been produced on the site the Glenmorangie Distillery now sits as far back as the middle ages, with documented evidence dating it back to 1738 when a brewery was built at Morangie Farm, sharing the farm’s Tarlogie Spring water source. Nearly 100 years later, in 1843, William Matheson purchased the farm and with just two second hand gin stills created the Glenmorangie Distillery. In 1918 it’s largest customer, Macdonald and Muir, purchased the distillery and would go on to control the company for the next 86 years. They secured it’s water source during the 1980’s by purchasing over 600 acres of land when a planned development around it’s precious Tarlogie Springs looked likely. The Macdonald family control of Glenmorangie came