The Goldberg Variations Analysis

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Glenn Goulds 1955 recording of 'The Goldberg Variations', being his first recording of this work, was an interpretation of Goldberg Variations by the composer J.S. Bach. The Goldeberg Variations 1955 was an album that heightened Glenn Goulds musical career in terms of being a pianist, internationally. The album is a set of 30 variations, with a length in timing of under 40 minutes, seen as ''one of the monuments of keyboard literature'' (Gould, Glenn,P.22) he means that this recording and interpretation of Bachs original work is a masterpiece and hugely honoured through music history. The 1955 recordings were his first recording and made at and for Columbia Records in the city of Manhattan. The process of recording the 30 variations spread out …show more content…

Overall Glenn Gould has made two versions, the 1955 version and later the 1981 version that was made on Bachs 300th anniversary shortly before Goulds own death. In this essay I will be discussing the 1955 recording in more detail .The essay will include talk on the performers interpretation of this work , musical features with slight comparison to the 1981 version to conclude I will discuss my opinion on whether or not the 1955 recording was a failure or a success. Goulds 1955 recordings style had a remarkable and virtuosic technique. It has a style that was new to the world of music, he introduced a method that was unique for example throughout his variations he involved staccatissimo , a musical style in which is heard after the Aria ends, it comes across as and exaggerration on staccato notes in order to give the effect of quickness brief and the sense of detachment, they are distinctive notes. the staccatissimo style is seen in Variatio 1. Clav. at the beginning after the Aria theme. Goulds interpretaton of this work also includes incredibly fast tempos. From listening and studying this work, Goulds rapid