Global Warming The Science In Three Nutshells Summary

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Global Warming from Three Perspectives
Richard Lidzen’s article Global Warming: The science in Three Nutshells explores the idea of global warming from three different perspectives, the scientists, the skeptics and the media. The opinions seem to be similar but their differences are what the article is focusing on. There is a lot of information out there and Lidzen is set to clear that up.
The scientist in Lidzen’s article are part of the United Nation and the University of East Anglia. These scientists seem to agree that global warming is happening and has been happening since at least the 1960’s when it was starting to be studied. The main reason they agree it is happening is the use of fossil fuel by business and individuals. They do believe that the burning of these fuels and the raise of CO2 will eventually be dangerous for our planet.
The skeptics however do not believe this to be the case. While they do believe that global warming is happening and the levels of CO2 are rising they do not believe that it will turn into a dangerous problem. In their opinion the warmer temperatures can benefit the world by offering longer farming periods and therefore …show more content…

The media would have us believe that global warming is an immediate problem, that the world is going to flood and the CO2 gases are going to cause health problems for people who have asthma and other breathing problems. Although some of their statements are backed by science they resort to using scare tactics when speaking to the American public. According to polls conducted however most American’s put global warming lower on the list of things that worry them. This may be why the media uses scare tactics when speaking about global warming to make people take the issue seriously. As previously stated scientists do believe it will be a dangerous problem in the future and it is something people can work to correct. (Lidzen,