Global Warming's Effect On Sea Levels

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The Earth’s environments affect everyone. Changes in climate caused by changes in the environment can cause serious consequences. Global warming is “an increase in earth’s average atmosphere temperature that causes corresponding changes in climate and they may result from the greenhouse effect’’( changes in the earth caused by global warming have increases the temperature on the Earth’s surface .This increase is forcing people and animals to adapt. Global warming is a serious threat because it affects the climate, increases Co2 levels, and it affects the animals.
Global warming should be taken seriously because it has a negative impact on sea levels. Some people believe that global warming is not a serious threat because throughout history, Earth has warmed and cooled time and time again. However, “global sea levels have increased by roughly 8 inches over the past century”(Global Warming Is Happening Now).This means that the glaciers are melting, therefore making the oceans bigger which is an effect on global …show more content…

Through global warming carbon dioxide (Co2) is emitted, Co2 takes a grave effect on the atmosphere. “Gas emissions in the atmosphere (Co2 in particular) are trapping heat in earth’s atmosphere”(“What is climate change”).The Co2 in the atmosphere is creating a barrier which gas cannot penetrate causing it to remain near the earth heating up the ozone. With this additional non-escaping gas, it begins to gradually build. This creates a worsened atmosphere, causing detrimental effect to the ecosystem. “Carbon levels have increased nearly 38% a 2009”(“Global Warming”).With an increase in Co2 levels, various ecosystems are affected ,leading to worsened health issues, changes in domestic crops and alters living conditions. All these issues are caused by global warming and will worsen over time. Global warming is a serious issue that affects todays, tomorrows, and the future’s

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