Globalization Impact: Globalization Effect On Telecommunication Company

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DiGi: 1. Globalization effect The world is globalizing fast due to technological change compare to recent ages and advancing every year, information flow leads to global movements and interactions of people, goods and services (Najam, Runnalls & Halle, 2007). Globalization effect on telecommunication companies by giving an opportunity to expand the service in order to satisfy people demand. To enter a new markets with different location will make people all over that location to know the DiGi telecommunication company. Company is strengthening itself in the market each time person get to know about it. As more people are getting to know DiGi, particular amount of it will try their goods and services. 2. The Rise of Standard of Living as a Technology Purchasing Booster. The rise of standard of life in Malaysia provides people with more opportunities than before, it makes them purchase devices by which they can keep in touch with world. As demand on these goods and services is in rise, telecommunication companies benefit on it by increasing the number of their customers. Average monthly household income rises by 7.2% since 2009 (Borneo Post Online, 2013). So it became a common for a household to own at least one device, which provides DiGi to increase the range of their customers. Also, when people are able to purchase the product, they will have an interest in trying new services which are made by DiGi Company. 3. Available Product for Various Types of People with

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