Shakespeare once said, “If it be true that good wine needs no bush, ‘tis true that a good play needs no epilogue.” This quote was spoken in one of his many plays in the Globe Theater. Before the Globe Theater, there originally was The Theater. After an incident, Shakespeare later had it rebuilt, and renamed it the Globe Theater. With this new theater, Shakespeare went to perform multiple famous plays. The original Theater was owned and created by James Burbage in 1576. His dream was to construct the Globe Theatre. This man also gave a great influence to the acting community. Before this theater was built, plays were often performed in courtyards or the houses of noblemen. After the Theater was built and opened to the public, more theaters were being constructed around London. …show more content…
In 1599, Shakespeare and his fellow actors quickly rebuilt a theatre, naming it the Globe Theatre. The materials used to make this new theatre were scraps of wood, plaster, and thatching from the original Theatre, all of which are highly flammable materials. During a performance of Henry VIII, the thatch was set ablaze by a cannon. Instead of giving up hope, they rebuilt it even better than what it was before. The new theatre’s construction was set on the remains and finished in 1614. Once the new theatre was finished, numerous plays were performed. Although, not as many as today due to the fact that acting was often compared to prostitution. It has been assumed that the first play performed in the Globe was Julius Caesar. The most common genres written and performed at the theatre were tragedies, histories, and comedies. During this time, most visitors came to these plays to socialize, because most other plays written were boring and lackluster. Once Shakespeare started his career, people started to watch and enjoy the plays and would pay attention to what was happening on