Greek Theatre Vs Modern Theatre Research Paper

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Theatre has been around for centuries, throughout time theatre was not used like the way we use it today. Theatre has evolved throughout the years, but people might confuse the term theatre and drama. Theatre is to see while drama is to do. Performance and story telling has changed from the Greek and Medieval times to the 21st century. Greek Theatre and Medieval Theatre used religious rituals. In modern theatre the rituals that are being presented is by telling the stories of historical events. So what is a ritual. According to Claire Schrader in “Ritual Theatre- Theater of Healing”, “Ritual theatre is the enactment of a myth or classic story with the intention of bringing healing, usually to resolve an issue, to deal with a difficult life …show more content…

Early theatre was not used to entertainment, but it was used for religious rituals. Although Greek and Medieval Theatre have different concept, they both followed religious form. In Greek Theatre, religious ritual was used to honor the Greek god, Dionysus who was the wine of theatre. Drama in the Greek world was a form of religious ritual. Dionysus was honored with a festival called City Dionysia. Theatre was not for the entertainment of people, but to gratify the gods. To honor the gods, plays were performed for Dionysian. Dithyramb is a choral ode song played for the gods. The types of Greek drama were tragedy, comedy, and satyr. Ritual performance for the gods were usually seasonal. In Ancient Greek, the celebrations were held in the city of Dionsyria in the spring and in the winter. When it came to drama in the Greek world, tragedy was a form of a serious drama. it allows to demonstrate the death or the hardships. Drama is a form of a religious ritual in which it evolved into entertainment. In Medieval Theatre, religious ritual was used as well. There plays teach about the bible and were mainly religious. Medieval Theatre had three types of religious plays: mystery Plays, which performed in cycles and where about Christ for example Second Shepherd Play was one of them, Miracle Plays were plays were historical, and morality plays were about the common