
Glory Movie Essay

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1. Great Leaders lead their people toward a desired goal that uplifts the morale of the subordinates. In the movie (Glory), the film began with Colonel Robert Gould Shaw leading a regiment to attack the confederacy in the bloody war of Antietam. Colonel Shaw was injured in the battle and was assumed dead. Many souls were lost on both sides and dead soldiers were scattered across the battlefield. The horrifying battle scenes from the war developed Colonel Shaw leadership characteristics, instilled discipline, and braveness in his attitude. After the battle of Antietam Captain Robert was found alive by an African American gravedigger named John Rawlins and was sent to a hospital for treatment. During a family and friends gathering, Colonel …show more content…

At the age of 25 Colonel Robert Gould Shaw leadership philosophy made him capable of commanding a fresh regiment of recruits and turned them into an effective fighting force. I believe Colonel Shaw was a true leader because he looked after his subordinates with out any regard to the obstacles and prejudices. In one instance, Colonel Shaw overseas his subordinates and realized that they’re missing essential needs such as socks and shoes. The men were tired, and many have foot illnesses due to footwear conditions. Colonel Shaw took the initiative and cared for his men wellbeing he asked the quartermaster for 600 pairs of shoes to support his men wellbeing and battle readiness. He was refused and got frustrated because he did not believe that there were shoes and socks shortage and knew that the quartermaster favored white soldiers to take precedent over the 54th regiment. Colonel Shaw started throwing items from the shelves as the quartermaster tries to calm him, but he insisted with pride until he gained what his men wanted to be battle ready. Another great action by Colonel Shaw when he realized that his fellow men were underpaid comparing to the white soldiers. The men started to chant about the pay and Colonel Shaw calms his men by saying “If you men take no pay then none of us will” (reference a) this quote showed his comrade and willingness to sacrifice for his men. Great leaders put their people first, and Colonel Shaw did just that. I believe Colonel Shaw leadership style developed to excellence as he gained more experience from battle fields and being a leader to soldiers with diverse backgrounds. Colonel Shaw last moments was fighting in the front lines alongside his men. The soldiers were committed and willing to give the ultimate sacrifice to achieve a common goal and to be led by a great leader to achieve that

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