Go Back To Belonging By Seamus Heaney

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discovery involves being challegned and confronted by fresh situations which can transform an indivudal perspective of themselves whch is portrayed in the documentary Go back to where you came from. go back to where you came from explores the cultural, social and personal discoveries experienced by a group of Australian citizens. The participants have acknowledged that they hold prejudiced views about asylum seekers and new mmigrants the program which then investigates how the particpants may discover new knowledge and thereofre realise or question their own personal bases and help themto discover a new enlighened view of refugee exisstence. The social and cultural concepts are portayed In the poem by seamus heaney called the railway children which portays a world which is reduced to the dimensions of a childs imagination which describes how fulfilling their imagination is but not monetary value.

The participants in the documentary are invited into a social experiment in which they have to experience the full life of an aslyum seeker or refugee. The …show more content…

In episode 1 three participants go to liverpool to meet the people who were refuegees and resettled in liverpool. When they go the pools the viewers hear the confronting story of a man who his wife and kids which died sinking after they boat was wrecked. They show close ups of many kids and adults sinking which can be confronting to many people. As the particpants hear this they were immediately stoned by the fact that there is no other way to escape or to get to a safe region only by boat which means they could face dangerous situations. This is also for the other three participants especialy racquel which she describes herself as a racist but later through the two episodes she feels empathy for refugees and gets emotional for the masuidi family in