
'Going For A Beer' By Robert Coover

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As Humans we experience the realization of time and how quickly it passes. In “Going for a beer” by Robert Coover, Robert tells a story about a man in which his life goes by in a blink of an eye. Robert Coover used many methods and elements in the story to portray the message to his audience. Although many believe the message is about time, is it truly about time or are there other things being portrayed? During most of the story, the man's thoughts were always behind his actions. As Robert Coover says, “Perhaps He’ll have a second one, he thinks, as he downs it and asks for a third” (Coover 1). It is like his actions and brain are disconnected from each other, maybe it is due to his alcoholism. He also is usually “finding” himself at the …show more content…

This can be the lifestyle that some people enjoy, although it may not be healthy. Also, many people can drink for personal reasons such as anxiety, depression, or to escape their problems. Then some just do it to have fun and enjoy their lives. In the story alcohol is presented in a way that ruins the man's life, he goes to a bar and the next thing you know he is a father. They use the use of alcohol in his life as the thing that makes him not know his actions, it is what creates all the problems in his life. It could also be what ends his life, and they show that the son was late to see the man in his death bed because he was having a drink at the bar. Coover says “(I went for a beer, Dad, things happened), says he is going to miss him, but it is probably for the best” (Coover 1). This could be foreshadowing the alcoholism that could be in their bloodline due to the man drinking a lot throughout his life. They also showed how it affected the people’s lives around the man. He was an absent father, had several marriages, and cheated on every one of them, even if he did not even mean to. According to Coover, “he has no desire to commit adultery, or so he tells himself, as he sits on the edge of her bed with his pants around his ankles” (Coover 1). He would black out due to alcohol, but maybe that is how he liked to live, or it is what brought him joy. Many people can depend on these things to create the happiness they desire without feeling the bad feelings they have. The alcohol in the story created the problems of the man, but they also fixed the man's problems by providing him with something to depend on and gave him the happiness he

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