Golding's Lord Of The Flies: Character Analysis

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Ralph who had control at the beginning of the book also used fear and desire to gain the group’s attention. He has the ability to gain people’s attention very quickly. Ralph uses logical approaches to solve problems having the help of Piggy he does sensible things to make sure that the boys are safe. Piggy advises Ralph to blow the conch, he says, “We can use this to call the others. Have a meeting. They’ll come when they hear us” (Golding 6). Piggy explains to Ralph how they should use the conch shell, Piggy is intelligent and likes order like Ralph. Ralph is a good leader because he uses Piggy’s ideas, but takes the credit as if it were his own ideas. When Ralph figures out that there are no adults on the island he decides that the boys have to make …show more content…

Ralph starts to get frustrated seeing that no one else is helping in building the huts. He is upset that they make all of these plans during the meetings and barely anyone actually does the work. He is trying to create shelters, but Jack thinks that hunting is a bigger priority. The conch shell represented the fairness and democracy of civilization, while the “beast” and the drive to hunt for it shows the savage, impulse controlled feeling in society. Throughout the chapters the value of the “beast” starts going up while the conch shell starts becoming history. Ralph also instills fear as did Jack by saying that if they don’t build the fire, then they may be stuck on the island forever. He is also trying to make the island sound desirable by saying that everyone can speak when holding the conch. Ralph tries to make the system fair for everyone so that each individual has a chance to speak. He is trying to do what’s best for all of the boys, sort of representing an adult figure he knows it is hard, but thinks if they try and do their best to survive the easier it would be for them to signal for help and leave the