Good And Evil In Ray Bradbury's The Other Foot

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Ray Bradbury’s story “The Other Foot” is about the anger of Willie, a black man that left Earth to go to Mars along with the rest of the black population because of the mistreatment they were receiving. 20 years later he hears about a white man coming to Mars from Earth. His anger and bad memories take control of him, leading to the feeling of wanting revenge. This illustrates that the feeling of anger as result of something bad that was done to a person can lead that person to want revenge, and not being able to see that such a feeling can be hurtful to the ones around.

In the middle of the story the words and actions of Willie that the author provided shows the anger of Willie. In the scene where Willie says “I'm not feeling Christian” he …show more content…

For example in the story Willie says “The shoe’s on the other foot now. We'll see who gets laws passed against him, who gets lynched, who rides the back of streetcars, who gets segregated in shows. Well just wait and see.” This is telling me that he was now feeling revenge. He wanted the white man to suffer the same things all the black people suffered on Earth.

If wanting revenge means, being blind of what's happening around you, then Willie isn't able to see that he is hurting his family with such a feeling of wanting revenge. I noticed this when his wife said “You don't sound human, and I don't like it.” And Willie answered “You'll get used to it.” Also when Willie didn't let his kids go to see the white man, instead he locked them. This showed me that the feeling of wanting revenge made him act this way, hurting the ones around him. He knew that it could've been the only time that his kids could have had the opportunity to experience seeing a white man .

In conclusion all the scenes where Willie was being rude to his wife were letting me know that the feeling of anger as a result of something bad that was done to a person can lead that person to want revenge and not letting it see that such a feeling can be hurtful to the ones