Good Vs Evil Quotes

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Alivia Carlisle

Mrs. Kirkpatrick

English 10 - Period 5


LOTF Essay

In today’s world there is a combination of good and evil, but whether the world really is inherently good, or evil is displayed through Goldings's beliefs. In Golding's novel The Lord of the Flies the author claims that human nature is naturally evil. This assessment of human nature is accurate in the real world and in other novels like Animal Farm by George Orwell. There are different levels of evil and people fall differently among those levels. “Not all evils are equally evil, but evil is morally bad or wrong” (

In Lord of the Flies Golding presents human nature as fundamentally evil through the use of the five boys stranded on an island. …show more content…

Another event in the novel is when “Roger gathered a handful of stones and began to throw them…Round the squatting child was the protection of parents and school and policeman.” This quote symbolizes how Roger was …show more content…

The Stanford Prison Experiment tested to see what happens when you put good people in a evil place, will the good win over the evil or will evil triumph. This event displays how the situations and experiences you go through such as prison affect how you act. As seen through prisoner #8612 “Less than 36 hours into the experiment, Prisoner #8612 began to act crazy, to curse, to go into a rage. It wasn’t until this point [they realized] they had to let him out.” (Haney Banks) This quote supports human nature being fundamentally evil because not even 2 days went by before this prisoner had to be removed from the experiment because of behavior related problems that display evil has taken over. It was also found that the contestants change based on how society is. “Guards may have been so sadistic because they did not feel what happened was down to them personally- it was a group norm.” (Zimbardo) This quote displays how the contestants in the real world are held accountable by the law but when put in these situations the since of evil