The Controversy Between Good And Evil

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Little progress has been made so far in demystifying the controversy of judging the criterion of what is right or wrong. Since the dawn of philosophy, the question of the “summum bonum” or the greatest good concerning morality. The question has resulted in division into sects and schools warning against each other and is recognized as the core problem when thinking speculatively. According to the Kantian theory, the basis of defining good or bad is based on the will or the intention behind the action. There is nothing impossible to think of in the world or outside it that can be considered good without its limitations except a good will. The power of judgment, understanding, persistent in an intention and courage are good and desirable. However, they can prove to be quite harmful and evil if the intention (will) is to use these gifts of nature is not good (evil). The same applies to the gifts of fortune such as wealth, power, and health. Moderation in passions and passions, sober reflections, and self-control are not only beneficial for many aims but seem to make up a part of a person’s inner worth. …show more content…

Nevertheless, there must arise a suspicion that appears grounded on fantasy and that nature could have been wrongly understood in the aim it had on allocating reason to govern our will. If, in a human being that has reason and a will, its happiness were the real end of nature. In addition, nature would have made a very wrong arrangement when appointing reason in this individual to accomplish the aim. All the individual’s actions executed towards this aim, and their entire rule of conduct would be dictated to them more specifically through instinct. The desired end, therefore, could be therefore obtained more safely through this way than it could through