Moral Evils: Swinburne's Solution To The Problem Of Evil

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Essay 2 My goal in this paper is to show that Swinburne’s solution to the Problem of Evil is persuasive. I begin with a formulation of Swinburne’s thoughts about the similarity and difference between moral evil and natural evil. I then formulate the connection between evil and free will. Next, I consider the potentiality objection to this argument, and Swinburne’s response to this objection. Finally, I argue Swinburne’s solution to the Problem of Evil is persuasive. First, I begin with Swinburne’s views on the kinds of evils. According to him, there are two kinds of evil: moral evil and natural evil. Moral evil refers to all evil caused deliberately by humans doing what they ought not to do and also the evil constituted by such deliberate actions or negligent failure …show more content…

There are two main ways in which natural evil operates to give humans those choices. First of all, natural evil provides chance for humans to learn how to bring the evil. For example, I can choose to ignore my sick friends instead of showing compassion towards the sufferer. If I get sick, I can either choose to spread it to others or subdue to disease and prevent it from spreading. Humans have the free will to choose to be good or evil. The other reason in which natural evil operates to give humans their freedom is that it makes possible certain kinds of action towards it between which genets can choose (Swinburne, p.95). For instance, sicknesses provide humans chance to find the cure and help other patients in the future. If there is no sickness, this choice does not exist at all. It is a way in which we learn how to bring about good and evil. The natural evil allows us to perform at our best and interact with out fellows at the deepest level. Animals also need to endure pain, which gives them value to life. For instance, a mother rabbits cannot save her bunnies from the wolves without trying. Her heroic actions cannot be done unless danger