Gordon Gekko's Greed In The Movie 'Wall Street'

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Throughout the movie Wall Street, Gordon Gekko exhibits greed as a crucial characteristic that one needs to prosper in the stock market. It has become something that he lives by and believes in passionately. During the film, Gekko successfully fulfills his ambition of conquering the market. He does so by using Bud Fox and anyone that works for him to obtain beneficial information he needs to expand his wealth. The movie centers around Gekko making Bud Fox his apprentice and teaching him the makings of a powerful investor like himself. From the beginning until the end, Mr. Gekko enjoys his riches from greed which will then be the cause of his downfall. From the deontological ethical perspective, Gordon Gekko’s position is morally wrong because his insatiable greed for wealth, authority, and insight blinds him to the harmful consequences he creates for all those affected by his decisions. Mr. Gekko’s position is morally incorrect based on the deontological ethical theory. The prefix of the word “deontological” is a Greek word called “deon” which means duty. This duty then focuses on a motive or intention and in some cases, to help the greater good. As depicted in Wall Street, greed is a selfish …show more content…

Greed is portrayed in the movie as something needed to be extremely successful in the stock market. Gekko is relentlessly greedy when it comes to buying stocks and knowing information before anyone else whether it is legal or not. This causes him to prosper and thrive in the business, thus supporting his greedy achievements. Although Gekko benefited from his selfish ways, greed accumulated leading to his downfall. There’s a moment where Gordon Gekko become too greedy for his own good. For example, there’s a scene where he asks Bud Fox to acquire information for him when he knows it’s illegal. This goes to show why Mr. Gekko’s opinion on greed is morally