The Pardoner's Tale Greed Essay

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“Radix malorum est cupiditas” translated from Latin into “Greed is the root of all evil.” (Chaucer 125) Throughout the Pardoner’s Tale, written by Geoffrey Chaucer, this is the story of three men that treat people lower than them and they end up finding a whole pile of gold, but they end up killing each other to get the gold to themselves. The entirety of the three men end up dead and not even one gets the gold. There are many topics involving greed, this essay will involve what it is about, the dangers, and the benefits of controlling the desire to gain. Greed, the desire to gain with no self-control and wanting everything to oneself. It involves wanting to get ahead of others and not looking at others over yourself. It is the desire to …show more content…

If the three men had stuck to their original plan of sharing the gold between the three of them and they did not let the greed consume them. The three men would all have been wealthy men instead of dead in a ditch beside the road where the gold was found. As stated by Chaucer, “Dearly beloved, God forgive your sin and keep you from the vice of avarice!” (Chaucer 134). This is showing that god forgive you of your sins, and tried to keep you away from greed, and that if we were to go back being faithful, it would be easy to control your greed. If people control their greed, they will be bountiful in other ways than wealth. They will have happiness in helping others by giving back, instead of keeping to oneself. If the greed is too large you will experience a lot of negative impacts. There are many topics involving greed, this essay involved somewhat it is about, the dangers, and the benefits of controlling the desire to gain. Even though the Pardoner’s Tale may be old, it will still be applicable throughout the present and the future. If people learn to control their desire to gain, there will be positive feedback as oppose to not controlling your