Gospel Of Matthew Research Paper

3777 Words16 Pages

Valerie Sidelkivska
Jesus and Salvation
Melanie Mitchell
4 October 2014
Gospel of Matthew The Gospel of Matthew is believed to be the first Gospel ever written but new research studies have found out that the Gospel of Mark dates earlier than the Matthew one. The Gospel of Matthew talks about the issues of Judaism and; therefore, becomes a transition from the Old Testament to the New Testament; that is why it was placed at the very beginning of the New Testament. Out of all the Gospels, Matthew is considered to be the most important one because of that concern with Judaism and a transition between the Old Testament and the New Testament; therefore, including the elements that were important to the early church: explanation and importance of liturgy; conception of Jesus; his teachings; life and death. …show more content…

The second important question should be raised as to how Jesus presents himself and that intertwines in together as to what he is trying to teach. The Gospel of Matthew omits Jesus’ teachings in Judea and begins the story of him within the framework of the great Galilean ministry. The reason is obvious; the author is showing Jesus in the middle of his work.
Jesus fasts for forty days in the desert after he was baptized and he is faced Tempters who try to seduce him by doing things that would turn him from his Father but Jesus teaches them a lesson instead. As often happens in life, immediately after a triumphant baptism came to Jesus trials and temptations. All the Synoptic Gospels are unanimous in saying that the next event after the baptism in the life of Christ was

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