The New Testament Of Early Christianity

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Early Christianity truly originated from the Jewish religion, the New Testament was the start of the heavy following of Christianly. After Jesus died Paul who was originally a Jew went around telling the story of Jesus and his words. Although before this even all happened there was all ready the Old Testament created by Jews which everyone has followed. This essay will be talking about the story of Luke chapter three one through twenty-three and how the Old testament and or Jewish tradition was key in in understanding this passage. The story of Luke that is being analyzed starts out with the preaching of John the Baptist. He says “proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins” and then talks about the things that you should …show more content…

If you think about it the Old Testament is the foundation and the New
Testament builds off of that foundation. The Old Testament is stories of God and his laws, these laws are how the religion comes to be and what is right and wrong in the religion. It is the collection of many books that tell the stories and history of the Israel people. In the Old Testament there are many stories some say that God was the all and powerful and no one could get near him and he was high and mighty and other stories show him as human coming down and helping the humans and leading them into the path they need to follow. The big thing in the Old Testament is about Gods ‘chosen people’ for example God made a covenant with Abraham and he sent the prophet Moses to help get the Hebrews out and into what they called the promise land. One of the biggest thing that has impacted christian religion that came out the the Old Testament is the Ten Commandments or the rules of the Christian religion. The Old Testament was created between the start of time right up until the birth of Jesus. The New Testament tells the story of Jesus, it talks about his birth, though out his life what he taught people, his death and why he died, and finally resurrection to heaven. One of the things the Christians developed is the idea that Jesus is going to come back and everyone will become sin free and life will be perfect. Some connections between the Old Testament and New that are evident is the idea of a Messiah and holy ones. The Old Testament talked about how about Messiahs and how one will come and in the New Testament one did come and his name was Jesus. Jesus is the proof in the New Testaments that God kept his Old Testament promise to the