Dbq Essay On Christianity Taking Ahold

909 Words4 Pages

Adriana Ortiz
Mr. Ruff
History Hnrs
Christianity taking ahold
Many ask how a religion that originated in the first century has affected many people's lives today. It began with Jesus of Nazareth over two thousand years ago, he lived among the Jewish and claimed that he was the Messiah. As time passed, Jesus through His actions, helped spread new beliefs of kindness and love to the poor and sinners. Jealousy grew among the local Jewish leaders and they had Jesus crucified. Although Jesus was gone, this was not the end of Christianity it was only the beginning. After Jesus was crucified His apostles spread His teachings throughout the world in writing that would make half of the Bible in what we know today as the New Testament. The …show more content…

Despite the knowledge that it was dangerous to contradict Roman beliefs, they continued to refer to themselves as Christians. As Document G exhibits how Christianity was governed, Pliny the Younger a Roman Judge interrogated whomever claimed to be Christan and persistently threatened them with punishment until they were executed for their stubbornness (Doc G). However, this did not fear the Christians because they knew that Jesus was with them protecting them from harm. Within Roman society the belief in immortality was very difficult, they believed when you die you would be judged by a Roman god (Styx) to then be sent into one of the two afterworlds. As the religious historian, Helemt Koester states that the Christan community was an interest to many because of the promises of a future life free of sickness, poverty, and hatred (Doc B). To current Christians this is known as heaven, we truly aren't certain about what it is however, the Gospel says it is internal friendship with the Holy Trinity. These documents demonstrate that if Christians put their beliefs into God we will receive the promises of immortality and deliverance of the soul from …show more content…

His Apostles were individuals known as; Paul, Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John. The illustrated map, shows Paul the Apostle traveling and hearing stories of Jesus criticizing those who truly believed in him however, it was until Paul met Jesus resurrected that changed his life. He then traveled throughout the eastern Mediterranean world for the next thirty years “spreading Jesus’s teachings” (Doc F). This parable shows that the spread of the Gospel could possibly change the minds of people who don’t believe until you show them otherwise. In the Roman Empire, there was a difference in beliefs of how to rule. According to the Roman Ideology and Christianity, Compared chart, Caesar achieved peace by first implementing violence, he then achieved victory, and finally what he called peace. In contrast, Jesus’ ideology began with Nonviolence, which achieved justice, followed by peace (Doc E). This chart proves that Christianity is the more promising option because the same goal is being achieved without any bloodshed. As Jesus was crucified, his apostles rose to action and spread his word this started a trend of stories spreading all throughout the Ancient