How Did The Jewish Religion Encourage The Roman Empire Rise To Salvation

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The Roman Empire was full of diverse people with different backgrounds and religions. In this empire, religion was very important because the people believed the will of the gods and goddesses determined the fate and success of the empire. Consequently, the citizens had to worship them. While the empire was very lenient when it came to religious beliefs and people were allowed to worship their own gods and goddesses and practice whatever other beliefs they may have, they had to agree to worship the Roman gods and goddesses. When the Roman Empire started to expand throughout the Mediterranean and the Romans found the Jews, things started to change. The Romans started to look at Christianity differently from other religions because it was seen as a threat towards the Roman Empire. Since they had put the Jews under Roman rule, there had been several revolts in the name of a messiah coming to free the Jewish people. To the Roman people, Jesus Christ was seen as a dangerous revolutionary figure, like the messiah in Jewish prophecies, accordingly was put to death in fear of another Jewish revolt. However, after …show more content…

It was seen as a way of salvation for all ,and grew throughout the Roman Empire. At first it wasn’t taken as a large threat due to the fact that at first it was only seen as a branch of the Jewish religion; however, because followers of Christianity refused to worship any other God besides theirs, it was later viewed as a sign of revolt. The Roman Empire started to persecute these people, yet it wasn’t very common ,and never done in large numbers. In the second century, there weren't any persecutions, and the Christian people were generally ignored and weren’t seen as a threat. Moreover, the lack of attention to the growth of the Christian faith throughout the first and second centuries led to the growth and organization of the church during the third and fourth

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