Gospel Of Matthew Research Paper

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The Gospel of Matthew The book of Matthew follows the birth, life and death of Jesus Christ. It starts by listing the relatives of Jesus, who was born from the family of David, from who was born to the family Abraham. 2 Matthew begins by telling the story of how Jesus was born in the town of Bethlehem to his parents Joseph and Mary. While Joseph is asleep, an angel comes to him in his dreams to tell him that a man by the name of Herod was looking for them, because he wanted to kill Jesus. The angel proceeded to tell Joseph to take his family to Egypt. Once Herod had died, the angel came back to Joseph to inform him that Herod had died, and it was okay to bring his family back home. Although Jesus had lived a short life on Earth, he performed many miracles and helped many people every day. In Matthew 14, Jesus walked on water to prove to his disciples that he was truly the son of God. Matthew 14 also states that Jesus fed 5,000 people with only five loaves of bread and two fish. Jesus was seen as a hero and father figure …show more content…

The governor, Pontius Pilate, feared that the people would overturn his decision and have Jesus killed anyways. A mob of angry citizens proceeded to beat and abuse Jesus, before eventually crucifying him in front of a crowd of hundreds of people. Once Jesus had died, a rich man named Joseph came to Pilate and asked to have his body. Joseph took his body to a tomb in a giant rock, and sealed it with a larger rock. Later that day, a guard came to watch over the tomb to ensure that none of Jesus’ followers came to steal the body of Christ. God sent an angel down to Jesus’ tomb, and scared the guards away. The angel told Mary that Jesus had risen from the dead, and to meet him at Galilee. Finally, Mary ran to tell the followers of Jesus what had happened, when Jesus was there before her to greet