Government Involvement In Vietnam

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governments help. Welfare has become a huge government program in America. Instead of the government directly providing food or jobs for the people that need it, they take money from the producers and give it to the non-producers. This diminishes the motivation for those people on welfare without jobs to get a job because the government is providing everything they need without having to earn it. The government also waits until a nation is at a very low point and is in need of help, like during or after a war or during an economic depression. They convince the society that the government is the only way their situation can change and then establish power. Slowly one man begins to take more and more power until he has it all and turns people …show more content…

Minh started the Vietnamese Revolutionary Youth League and the Indochinese Communist Party (ICP) in 1930. In 1941, the ICP organized the Viet Minh, an army of Minh’s supporters to fight off Japan’s invasion during WWII. The Viet Minh seize power and announce Vietnam’s freedom from France. After World War II in 1954, Vietnam split into two halves, North Vietnam and South Vietnam. North Vietnam quickly established communism by Ho Chin Minh and entered into war a year later with South Vietnam. North and South Vietnam are at war for 20 years and in 1975 the war finally ends. Ho Chi Minh died in 1969 during the war, but when North and South Vietnam come back together as one country, communism is established as the system of government. Communism is still …show more content…

In 1961, the nation became completely communist when Cuba’s president, Fulgencio Batista, died. The Cubans did not greet Castro with open arms and from 1959 to 1966 they fought against his rule. Castro put their rebellion to a stop with the use of his military and it was estimated that during that time of rebellion the Cuban regimen executed 3,200 people. America first saw this revolution as a good thing in hopes that it would bring harmony to Latin America but the executions that were taking place caused tension between Cuba and the US. America made many attempts to stop Castro between 1960 and 1962 but they all failed (Cote). Castro still has complete rule over Cuba today and “serves the interests of no creature except himself” (Orwell