Government Should Provide Funding For First Nations Essay

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Imagine you're at your place of worship (temple, mosque or church), where almost everyone is the same religion as you. Now, how would it feel like living in community with them and having your rights denied by the government. You can either change your religion or stay where you are, without the basic necessities of life. This is how the First Nations are being treated in our country. Therefore, government should provide funding for first nations communities. The communities need the money to supply better health care systems, enhance Canada’s economy and to educate many of them to get better jobs.

Firstly, the first nations can use the money to provide their communities with better health care systems. By doing this, there would be less people dying from abuse and substance use in those communities. Also, since the environment they live in is polluted due to factories near the areas and smoking, better health care systems would help the environment because they would have better sanitation. The pollution has even made the water unclean. For example, in Canada there is a city/town known as Attawapiskat which has many first nations living there. In the city there is a school where the kids are near a factory that has spills where the children play. This is very dangerous and can give the kids illnesses. How would you feel if your child played in a toxic playground at school? …show more content…

For example the first nations represent 4% of Canada’s economy. So they have a big impact on Canada as a country. Also, if there are many births and deaths due to assaults, abuse and etc., there would be an impact on Canada’s birth rate and death rate. Many places the first nations occupy have been polluted due to nearby factories and many smokers in the area. Even if the First Nations don't matter, wouldn't it be better to make Canada a better