Grandview High: Chapter Summary And Review

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Summary Pages 1-39 Birgit Neilsen is a privileged girl from Grandview High. She finds herself in trouble when three girls in her art class choose to torment her and assault her. She vows revenge on the three girls and recruits 3 other students, Mickey who is a foster kid from Creekside who goes to Grandview, Peter who is in the eleventh grade, on the football team and also Birgit’s boyfriend, and Whisper, whose real name is Winston who is also on the football team. The four students agree that Grandview High has become too dangerous for the students and devise a plan to wipe the school of bullies forever. Connection In this novel we find out at Grandview high, the kids there are not safe from the bullying and the violence. Birgit Neilsen …show more content…

He lived with his three brothers and two sisters. He was home from school due to a broken collarbone, broken rib, black eyes, and a split lip. Earlier that week Joey was jumped in a school washroom because of the color of his skin. Joey had told Mickey that guys that jumped him didn’t steal his money or any of his belongings which was unusual, all they did was beat him and tell him to go back to Creekside which was where the more underprivileged kids lived. They knew it was a racial issue so they wanted to bring justice for Joey. The hit squads next target was the two best friends who had beaten Joey in the washroom at Grandview …show more content…

I think they will finally realize that getting revenge isn’t always the right answer. 2) I think an important idea and theme throughout this novel is bullying and getting retaliation. The kids decide to take matter into their own hands and soon enough everything goes terribly wrong. Heck who is Mickey’s close friend and also lives in the same house as him, ends up passing away due to the hit squads choices. Mickey feels as though it is his fault that Heck has died. A strong theme in the book is getting revenge isn’t always the answer and could have terrible consequences. 3) After reading this book I understand and realize that at times we can’t put ourselves on a bullies’ level. We need to be the bigger person, revenge and retaliation is never the solution. When someone hurts us it is not our job to hurt them back because that will make you just like that certain person. We also need to speak out more on bullying because it happens everywhere and every day and children are losing their lives due to