Great Depression: A Huge Tragedy In The Years Of 1929-1939

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The Great Depression was a huge tragedy that happened many years ago in the years of 1929-1939, it made a big impact in everyday lives of innocent people world wide. It is difficult to imagine living in the same circumstance as most people did in America which deeply affected people in ways no one could imagine, such as.. Living in “debt”, the need to beg for money, sell their own furniture, and beg for food. All just to survive through the Great Depression. (Hayes). What kind of lifestyle is that? Many people through the years had their lives changed in a blink of an eye. The fall of the economy caused by the stock market crashing dramatically gave fear everywhere around them. The streets became a whole panic scene, people spread the news in a …show more content…

As the situation got worse everyday, others needed to figure out ways to save, make money, and most importantly survive. People were in shock of the situation and had no idea how they would get through this lifestyle on their own. American families put in all their might to help others and their family survive. Mother’s would give the rest of her meal to her children to make sure they do not go to bed with an empty stomach. This time period was never really a happy era, but families discovered the most important thing in life, which is happiness. Majority of the people would have fun and watch a 25 cent movie and enjoy their time. In the golden year of 1939 the commotion finally came to an end with the help from President Franklin D. Roosevelt. He helped others by employing the unemployed which positively affected millions in America and all the downfalls started going back to normal. (The New Deal). The world was filled with relief. Everything started

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