Great Gatsby Dialectical Journal

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Nick and Gatsby are outside the Buchanan’s’ house. Nick looks through a window and sees Daisy and Tom having a conversation at the kitchen table with a plate of cold fried chicken and two bottles of ale between them. "They weren’t happy, and neither of them had touched the chicken or the ale—and yet they weren’t unhappy either. There was an unmistakable air of natural intimacy about the picture, and anybody would have said that they were conspiring together." Nick is wondering what they could be talking about. He knows that they are heartless people and he wanted to know what they are up too. Tom and Daisy not eating and also not looking unhappy is suspicious. Nick tries to listen to the conversation they are having, but since the window is …show more content…

Nick hears the conversation better and better, as he gets closer to the kitchen. He finds a closet near the kitchen and Nick hides in it. Nick finally hears what Daisy and Tom are saying. Tom was talking about how he wanted to get rid of Gatsby because Tom knows that Gatsby wants to get back with Daisy and Tom wants to get rid of Gatsby so Tom does not have to worry about Daisy leaving him for Gatsby. Nick is still in the closet listening to the whole conversation in the closet and he was really hoping he would not get caught. He tries his best to be quiet and make it seem like no one is there, but then Nick makes a move trying to get out of the house and then something drops in the closet. Tom and Daisy both look over in his direction and Tom heads to the closet to see what happened. Nick petrified that he would get caught and he does not know what would happen. Nick tries to hide under a few jackets in the dark in the closet and tries not to move one muscle. Tom opens the closet door and looks to see what happened. He finds an old clock that dropped on the floor and puts the clock back up and also Tom did not see Nick in the …show more content…

Gatsby is thinking of what he should do about the predicament that he is in. Gatsby is trying to think of something but he cannot. He comes to a conclusion that he needs to kill Tom and Daisy. He does not want it to come down to do this but he knows what Tom is capable of doing. Gatsby gets his pistol and he tells Nick to wait inside his home because if the plan goes wrong he does not want Nick to get in trouble and Gatsby also told Nick if something bad goes with the plan and the police or anyone else questions Nick, Nick was supposed to say that he knew nothing about the plan and also he was supposed to say that Gatsby never spoke of anything like this. So Gatsby gets ready to head to Tom and Daisy. Gatsby heads to his car to go to Tom and Daisy and then when Gatsby looks over to his left he sees a gun pointed to him and he sees that it is Tom that is holding the Gun with Daisy behind him looking nervous. Gatsby was surprised and then Tom explains to Gatsby that he knew that Nick was inside the house listening to their conversation and Tom did not find Nick for a reason so it seemed like Gatsby had the upper