
Great Gatsby Response Essay

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When I was in the 10th grade English class, I read “The Great Gatsby,” for the first time. I started to judge a book by its cover and compared it to the book that we read for other assignments. But I later started to feel after reading more than half of the book that “The Great Gatsby” deserves respect because its attention-grabbing, many plot twists, and the complexity of the vocabulary and literary use, make the reader think throughout the book. One thing that intrigued me was the attention-grabbing throughout the book. When something happened to a character, I was always wondering what was coming next and how the others would be affected by that event. When reading, multiple characters die. I got hooked and was wondering how their spouse, friends, or family would react to that death. I also was wondering who would get the blame, if the person who did it would get in trouble, how they found the body, and what they would do with …show more content…

For example, in Chapter 1, F Scoot Fitzgerald uses words like fractiousness, conscientiousness, and bantering. These difficult words make the book harder to understand, without knowing what they mean. It makes it hard to connect to the characters if they are being described this way. In chapter 9, Fitzgerald uses words like ceaselessly, adventitious, and born. Also, using challenging words is hard because I have to stop reading the book and look up what it means to better understand the book. But also reading these words gives me a more serious, and suspenseful read. Many of these words overtook the story sometimes, and I was just thinking about the difficult vocabulary instead of the understanding of the characters and their feelings. An example of these words getting used in a sentence is in chapter 2, “I was within and without, simultaneously enchanted and repelled by the inexhaustible variety of life.” Some words are used that many may not

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