
Greatness And Shortcomings Of Casablanca

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Dalton Cowan
Doctor McGowan
UI 100
24 October 2015
A Classic in Every Sense of the Word: The Greatness and Shortcomings of Casablanca Greatest movie of all time is a prestigious title that any director or cast would be thrilled about having attached to a film it is, in part, responsible for creating. The problem with this title, though, is that there is not a consensus on what the best movie actually is. Because of this, all kinds of people offer up many different films that they believe deserves this distinguished label. One picture that is often suggested in this debate is Casablanca. This exceptional movie was created while World War II was going full swing, includes a rather unusual ending, has Ingrid Bergman, who made very few movies …show more content…

This mistake being that she fell in love and began getting intimate with Italian director Roberto Rossellini while they working on his 1950 film Stromboli. The reason that this was a problem was that they were both married to other people at this time. To make matters worse, Bergman became pregnant with Rossellini’s son. Bergman then divorced her husband despite his desire not to split up. Soon after this, she gave birth to Roberto, her and Rossellini’s son, and she married Rossellini. Due to this public affair and divorce, her image was shattered, and many Americans were outraged with her behavior because they found it to be immoral. In fact, this feeling became so strong that even a U.S. Senator criticized her inappropriate behavior. On account of this public disapproval, Stromboli was not very successful. Also, several subsequent movies that Ingrid did with Rossellini did poorly at the box …show more content…

To begin, the movies are clearly different from a visual standpoint because of the seventy-one year difference between being made. In addition, the films have different themes besides love. The Great Gatsby has money and extravagance as themes, while Casablanca has sacrifice as a main theme. On top of these, the settings of the pictures are different, with The Great Gatsby taking place in New York City in the 1920s and Casablanca being set in Casablanca in the early 1940s. Lastly, Casablanca contains propaganda for World War II, while The Great Gatsby contains no such propaganda.
Even though these movies have some similarities, it is clear to anyone that Casablanca is the better film. First, it has a better leading actress and supporting cast. Second, it contains more memorable quotes. Additionally, Casablanca was considered better at its time, which is shown by it winning the Oscar for best picture in 1944, while The Great Gatsby did not take home this prestigious Oscar. Furthermore, Casablanca is near the top of many lists for the greatest movie all time, while The Great Gatsby does not even crack most lists for the top one hundred movies of all

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