Greek Manology: Has Greek Influenced The English Language

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To begin, Greek mythology has greatly affected the modern english language. There are many examples to support this idea. One example that may not be common among youth, but was definitely inspired by a Greek myth is the saying “Achilles heel”. “To have an “Achilles heel” means to have a weakness or vulnerable point.”(How Has Greek Influenced the English Language?). The phrase derives from the story of Achilles, a famous greek war hero who had no way of being defeated, except for his heel. It was his weakness. As a baby his mother dunked him in the River Styx, which gave anything that touched it invulnerability. As she dunked him, she held the boy by his heel, meaning his heel was still weak. In the end this weakness caused his death. His reason for death is why a person’s vulnerability is called their “Achilles heel”. Just like Achilles they have a weakness that affects their lives. “Mentor” is the next example, it is a common word, but most people do not know it came from Greek mythology. A “mentor” is a trusted counselor or guide(Mentor). Mentor was the son of Alcimus in Greek mythology. He first appeared in the Homeric epic called The Odyssey. He was a close friend of Odysseus. When Odysseus went off to war Mentor was in charge of taking care of his dear friend’s son Telemachus. Soon after, the goddess of wisdom Athena took the form of Mentor. She stayed with the boy and gave him very wise advice for what to do, for his family was suffering(“Mentor.” Greek Mythology).