
Greek Mythology Summary

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Prologue :

Long time ago. People and god's live together in harmony, on earth. Whatever humans wished as long as the gods can able to do it they will provide.

Not until the gods noticed that humans, does not work already and depends on the gifts that the they provide.
They also saw how lazy the humans became. So for this the gods went up to mount Olympus to teach humans some lessons.

The plants began to die, the lake and water began to dry.
Humans started to pray and weep since the food had been sufficed.
The gods did not listen since there are still humans who does not bow to them

This goes on for 2 years..................................

When the gods thought that it was enough, one by one the gods visited earth and everytime this …show more content…

The gods was so pleased with the temples. And usually visits pretending to be human themselves.

But one of the gods was not pleased by this Hades the god of the Underworld was so unhappy since humans did not have any temples build for him and also since his reign in the Underworld not one single prayer was addressed to him.

Until 1 day while asleep. Hades was awoken by a woman's voice asking him to take care of her boy.
Due to happiness Hades appeared in front of the woman and found her weeping in front of a near to death boy. She was repeating her prayer over and over again. Hades saw the soul of the boy.
"Am I dead sire?" The boy asked
Hades grin at the boy and the mother looked at there direction.
Hades was shocked the lady stared at him. And smiled
For the first time he exist it is the first that someone stared directly at him and smiled as if she was able to see him.
And Hades was more stunned when the woman said "Thank you." still staring at his direction.
Hades disappeared with the boy going to the Styx River. And they rode the boat going to the underworld
"Sire, thank you for picking me up. My mom told me that everything will be ok, after you pick me up." The boy …show more content…

"You stated that you would like to serve me? Now you can serve me starting now." Hades said
"With pleasure sire, where do you want me to begin?" The young boy asked.
"Before that let us name you first. Hmmm how does Thanatos sound?" Hades said
"Thanatos sounds nice sire." Thanatos replied.
"Then Thanatos it is. Than for short. And because there are a lot of things I need to do here in my realm. Can you take over the job of guiding the dead to the underworld?" Hades asked.
"Really sire? You are going to give me that job? " Than asked
"Of course and call me father, you are already my son, my blood is in your blood so you are able to do what your job requires you to do also all that you see also belongs to you." Hades stated
"Thank you sire! I mean father." Than replied
Hades laughed.
"My boy it does really need practice to call me father but I am not forcing you now. Just do your job well and I will be happy." Hades said
"I will father, so how do I begin?" Than eagerly asked.
"The soul of the dead will be calling you and just like what I did to you, you will do it to them." Hades simply replied
" I will do that father and I will not disappoint you" He

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