Greek Paragraph

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Paragraph 1: Have you ever wonder about the Greek gods or any god and what they did? All countries that had gods would make them up because they didn't understand what was happening so they made them up. Many gods would have powers that would control the sea and the underworld, the heavens,and even weather.
Paragraph 2: Ares had a big interesting and unique family, including his parents, siblings, wife, and kids. First, his mom was Hera the goddess of heavens, and his dad was Zeus, the god of lightning. He also had siblings that were half brothers and sister including Athena, Aphrodite, Apollo, Artemis, and Hermes. Then, he had a wife who was named Aphrodite and she was the goddess of pleasure. Also, he had three kids and their names …show more content…

First, ares transformed his daughter harmonia and her husband kadmos into a serpent and had them taken away. Ares had affair with the goddess aphrodite but her husband Hephaestus trapped the couple in a golden net and had them humiliated in front of all of the gods. After that, Aphrodite fell in love with someone else Ares got jealous and transformed himself into a boar and gored the man to death.In the end, Ares had a complicated past. Paragraph 4: Ares had a different wardrobe then we do today. First, Ares wore a helmet and a robe that Was either red or black. Also he had a strong and military appearance with a helmet and a sword and shield or either a spear and a shield. Another thing is he had a bird that was a vaulter. Ares was was most often characterized as a coward in spite of his connection to war. As you can see Ares had a different wardrobe than people now of days.

Paragraph 5: My Greek God has a celebration. His celebration is before battle soldiers would offer to sacrifice themselves in a way of helping them win. He is also a patron of city defenses, city guards, police, courage, and manliness. Next, Ares had a few temples in Ancient Greece Sacrifices would usually be made to him when an army would march to war; Spartans would make sacrifices to Enyalius, another lesser god and son of Ares and Enyo. However, the name was also used as a byname for Ares. These were some of the interesting facts of

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