Grevy Zebras Research Paper

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Grevy’s zebras are know to have very large heads and a rounder ear. The difference between Grevy’s zebras and other zebras is that their appearance look a little more closer to how a mule would look like. Also they are a lot taller than the other zebras. On their belly it is completely the color of white. The stripe patterns are different from regular zebras. Grevy’s zebras have black and white stripes going vertical down their body but when it reaches their limbs the stripes shift into a horizontal pattern. Grevy’s zebras love to live in areas where there are a lot of grass for them to eat and water to drink. They are mostly found in Eastern Africa in regions like Ethiopia, Somalia, and Kenya. Since Grevy’s zebras are mainly herbivores they …show more content…

Since they love being around grass and water they can’t always find areas that have enough of it. They always migrate to places that have water resources but it always runs out. Also drought is a huge reason for them because they love to drink water and it helps them stay hydrated. Another major reason for the decrease of Grevy’s zebras is because of humans. They are building more areas for their own benefit like farms and ranches causing the Grevy’s zebras to starve and die out. One other sad reason Grevy’s zebras are endangered is because humans kill them in order to have their skin. They use their skin to sell them in the …show more content…

This foundation was created in 2007 when they saw a huge decline of the number of Grevy’s zebras in Africa. In this foundation they gather local people who live near Grevy’s zebras’ populations to come out and help with taking care of them. They also have an online website where they recieve donations from people around the world to help collecting more data and giving the Grevy’s zebras more security and protection. The GTZ also helps create Rangeland Management to help create more green grassland to help the animals near the population. They have found out that the amount of Grevy’s zebras in Africa has dropped from 1980s. Before there population used to be 15,000 but now it is less than 2,500.

The third action that is being taken is through the help of the Association of Zoos and Aquarium (AZA). This is an association that is connected to many zoos and aquariums around the world who want to help species that are endangered around the world. They have also donated about $15,000 in 2014 to help inthe efforts to save the Grevy’s zebras. AZA has partnered up with the Zebra Pen Corporation and GZT in 2012 in order to have a more higher likely chance of helping the Grevy’s zebras. They are establishing a wide range of conservations and creating more educational programs to teach others about these