Grover Cleveland: The Key To A Good Presidential Campaign

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Throughout history it was obvious that the key to a good presidential campaign was a good slogan. Each election year something new and unseen came up about the candidates that made them increasingly entertaining, and occasionally impactful. From mud slinging to parades, from taunting to ignoring, each political candidate had an interesting year that is left down in history for all to wonder about what they were thinking.
Tippecanoe and Tyler Too (William Henry Harrison 1840)
This crazy slogan is actually incredibly influential. It helped throw the Whig party candidate into the presidency in the first time in American history. Part of him becoming the 9th president of the United States is due to this witty and strange slogan created against …show more content…

It was rumored that Grover Cleveland fathered an illegitimate son and that he sent to an insane asylum, and the Republicans used that to their full advantage [7]. They used this slogan to heighten the dislike for Cleveland, and they also pressed charges against him for his debauchery. Sticking true to his truthful approach, Cleveland said that there was a possibility that the child may have been his, but, at least he was a good man in politics, unlike Blaine. Overall, although each candidate had a good slogan and an interesting reason why the other should not be President, Grover Cleveland won the election by .3%, making James Blaine …show more content…

Goldwater was an unfavorable candidate from the start, he was seen to be too much of an extremist and was not popular against the well liked Lyndon B. Johnson. The slogan he came up with for the campaign was widely ridiculed for making it seem like being for Goldwater was something to be ashamed of. The Democrats also made fun of the slogan, coming up with their own “In your guts you know he’s nuts” motto. Overall, the Goldwater campaign was a devastating defeat for the Republicans after Johnson won an astonishing 10:1 in electoral college votes