
Guilty In 12 Angry Men, By Reginald Rose

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12 Angry men is a play about 12 jurors what have to decide whether the accused is guilty or innocent based on the evidence given, There is a slight catch, if the accused is proven guilty then he will be given capital punishment, but if there is even any reasonable doubt that he didn't commit the crime then he should be found not guilty. The author Reginald Rose followed the 3 unities, one of the unities that he used was unity of place. Basically the setting where all of the action that occured in the play was in the same place, no scene changes, or panning to a flashback, just stuck in a single place. This makes it very difficult for a court case but, Rose finds a loophole to keep the unity but to have a contributing factor to the play. Although the 12 jurors are stuck n the same room throughout the entire play there is one character that enters their world and can leave again. Throughout the play the might have a small part but has a very large role in the play. He actually starts the play off by informing the judges of the situation “All right, let's move along gentleman”(Rose 6). He might not be the first person to speak because of the judge's “voice” but he is the first to actually start the story. The guard is almost like the catalyst of the story, when he brings them the first piece of evidence that disproves the pawnshop owners contribution to the story (Rose 22).
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