Gumption Informative Speech

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Gumption ( is defined as a noun meaning aggressiveness or resourcefulness. These are not the words that are most commonly used when defining gumption. However, a quote by L.M. Montgomery states “Anyone who has gumption knows what it is, and anyone that hasn’t can never know what it is. So there is no need in defining it.” A word not often heard unless listening to the old timers at the coffee shop. The most common use of the word is guts, courage, and initiative. Often used by saying, if a person’s got the gumption to get up and go. Gumption is about goals, hard work and mental toughness. The easy part of a goal is the thought, “hey I should _______ (fill in a goal of your own). People have those thoughts daily. The hard part is making those …show more content…

Yes, everyone knows that one person, no matter what the endeavor when feeling the rest of the human race would crash and burn, this person comes out smelling like a rose. Most likely this person has a hard work gene. They are always doing something. When asked how yesterday was spent, the words, nothing and TV aren’t mentioned. It becomes a list of things that seem like nothing special, but a list of accomplishing what needs finishing today. It is not a list of sit and watch. A list that defines gumption, and again, the reason this person comes out smelling like a rose. Maybe he’s just lucky? Maybe so, although sooner or later luck runs out, but suck it up and do it is still there and will never leave. Mental toughness is a must, this word is not to be used by whiners, pansies, or wimps. It is for people that get out of bed every day and say today I will make a difference in the world, I will make a difference in my life, and I will make a difference period. They set out and make good on that statement. Never having the notion that today won’t be the day, because they know the power is within them, not a decision left for someone