Gun Control Arguments

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Gun control is a very popular subject in our society today. Citizens of our country do not feel safe considering the series of events that have happened in the last two decades. The term gun control is used to describe how firearms may be legally produced, sold, and used. There are laws made to regulate who may buy or own these firearms and provide requirements for registration, licensing, and carrying of concealed weapons. “While public safety is at the root of most federal, state, and local regulations, many people base their opposition to gun control on the language of the Second Amendment of the US Constitution. The result is an ongoing controversy between those who see gun control as a gateway to tyranny and those who believe gun violence …show more content…

However, this statement has caused people to wonder if the right to bear arms is an individual or group right. “The amendment seems to suggest that an individual has the right to own and carry weapons. But it also connects the right to bear arms to the civic necessity of keeping a “well-regulated militia.” This point seems to suggest that the right of “the people” is actually the “collective right” of people to protect their communities with an armed local military force. “ ("Second Amendment.") However, there are many facts and points made about how the amendment is supposed to be treated and how guns are supposed to be used for both individual rights and militia. In fact, “The US Supreme Court ruled in 2008 that this amendment referred to the individual’s right to own a gun for self-defense. Other federal courts have ruled that this amendment pertains only to the rights to form and maintain a militia. Advocates of gun control point out that the writers of the Constitution could not have imagined some of the weapons that are currently available or the amount of damage that could be inflicted by one person armed with one of these guns. Gun control opponents insist there is a constitutional right for individuals to have weapons and vehemently argue against any restrictions …show more content…

In fact, people say it is simply just a distraction. Questions have been asked and many others have been formed due to the debate of whether or not gun control is needed. The argument is that the guns themselves are not the problem. The point being made by these people are that the guns that are used for mass shootings are usually legally bought, therefore, it is not the gun killing people but the people who own the guns. Also, that these mass shootings have happened in places where guns are not