Gun Control Laws In America

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Gun control laws in America began with the writing of the United States Constitution; the document that provided a framework for the young country’s government, and provided all basic rights and laws that each American has and abides by. The second amendment to the constitution is for all Americans the right to keep and bear arms. The exact language of the text sparks much debate on how this right applies to the people, but many interpret it as the right for each individual American to keep firearms for their personal use. For the last few decades, much debate has been brought upon the amendment as the need for firearms has gone down while the risk of endangerment because of them has gone up. Because of the increasing in mass gun violence and …show more content…

For most if not all of these states the strict gun laws were passed after massacres or big crimes involving guns. For California and Connecticut, the two states with the strictest gun laws, this was the case. Both California and Connecticut are the only two states in the country with seven types of gun laws which means for someone to get a gun legally there are seven different regulations to ensure not just any person can obtain a gun. These seven regulations are red flag laws, relinquishment laws, assault weapons bans, high-capacity magazine bans, gun possession prohibitions for high-risk individuals, gun possession prohibitions for individuals with domestic violence convictions and mandatory background checks. California passed its bill of gun control laws after a long history of mass shootings. Some of these include Stockton schoolyard shooting, a San Francisco law firm, and Roseburg, Oregon. Stricter gun laws ever first introduced after the Newtown Connecticut shooting. Six more gun control bills were passed after a terrorist attack in San Bernardino that left 14 people dead. Connecticut signed strict gun laws after earlier mentioned Newtown Connecticut shooting.The Newtown shooting took place at Sandy Hook Elementary School where 28 people were killed. The Sandy Hook massacre was also the reason for Maryland enacted stricter gun laws. Then-governor, Martin O’Malley proposed a …show more content…

On one side people say the federal government's involvement in gun laws would infringe upon people’s second amendment rights. On the other side, people say the government should act. In the case, in increasing gun laws the federal government should act. Since the beginning of the United States the choice of gun law has been left to the states and because of this many states have lackadaisical about implementing gun laws. Currently, Idaho and Montana don’t have any of the seven regulations stated above. Also, most states only have one or two of the regulations and there isn’t any regulation that is implemented in all 50 states. All of the seven of the regulations are reasonable and there should be a reason why states and people have such a problem with the regulations. Red flag laws allow state law enforcement to take firearms who are seen as a risk to themselves and people around them. The decision is made by a judge. Relinquishment laws say that anymore who become disqualified from owning a firearm must turn them in. Assault weapons ban stopped the sale of assault weapons. High-capacity magazine ban stops the sale of assault pistol ammunition and other high-capacity magazines. Prohibitions for high-risk individuals stops people felony or a violent misdemeanor, those with a history of mental health, drug or alcohol issues, or those considered by the court to be dangerous

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