Gun Control Research Paper

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Gun Control in the United States December fourteen, two thousand and twelve, twenty-year old Adam Lanza was blamed for the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School. After Lanza killed his mother, Nancy, he drove to Sandy Hook Elementary. Using an AR-15 assault rifle gun, he killed twenty, first grade children and six adults within five minutes. Shortly after taking the lives of the students and faculty, Adam Lanza committed suicide (CBS News.) Current gun laws need to be enforced. The Lapsed Federal Assault Weapons Ban took place in 1994, which made it illegal for a person to manufacture, trade, or have possession of a semi-automatic rifle. In order for the weapon to have the title of assault rifle, the firearm must have the following …show more content…

The federal law made assault rifles legal, yet state and local counties are able to ban assault weapons. Laws to ban assault rifles should be enforced to protect civilians such as the Sandy Hook shooting. This law needs better enforcement so high powered firearms are not in the hands of irresponsible criminals. Any weapon, especially assault rifles that are capable of shooting one hundred rounds of ammunition with one magazine should be banned. Events in which assault weapons were used resulted in 135% more people shot and 57% more killed than incidents when a handgun or long gun is being used (For Lives and Liberty.) Assault rifles fall in the category of semi-automatic firearms. These weapons are aimed to kill humans quickly and …show more content…

Every state has different laws on registering firearms, but the federal law actually prohibits National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). Which means the states must decide on what laws they think are right. For example, Georgia does not require registration if you are a citizen unless they are characterized as a dangerous weapon. Dangerous weapons can be any type of machine gun. When in the United States you are not able to purchase or own a gun if you have: convicted of crimes and held in prison for over one year, abused narcotics, hiding from justice, illegal aliens, has been renounced of their citizenship, been discharged from the military, under the age of 18, under 21 that is trying to purchase a firearm other than a rifle or shotgun, and convicted of violence or