Gun Violence In Schools Essay

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Imagine if a horrible school tragedy occurred killing several students and teachers but it could´ve been prevented. Well sadly in America we don't have to imagine, it's our reality. Although some may argue that guns are a right and used as a form of protection, studies have shown that guns have done more harm than good. It's important for teachers, students, and school administrators to know the role they can play in helping prevent school shootings. It's important to know the risk factors and prevention as a member of modern-day society. While many people believe that school shootings are an inevitable component of modern-day education, the reality is that gun violence at school could be addressed. Through targeting mental health resources …show more content…

Gun violence prevention policies are key for preventing gun violence in schools. ¨How can we prevent Gun violence in American schools?, acknowledges that the just raise in the age of being able to purchase a gun in America will be highly effective in the prevention of gun violence because data has demonstrated that 18-21-year-olds commit gun homicide at triple the rate of adults 21 and older. Also, the requirement of background checks on all gun sales ensures that extra safety measures are taken. This is important to understand because New York City's police department overview on active shooter incidents in K-12 schools has discovered that in 75% of these incidents, the shooter or shooters were school-age and were current students. In order for a stop to be put against gun violence in schools it will not only need the help of school educators but state officials. Laws on the restriction on guns need to be made in order to protect students to the highest ability. Some gun violence prevention policies implemented by state officials that could help end gun violence would include a civil court order to provisionally prevent a person from accessing guns. 19 states so far and DC have authorized extreme risk laws. Gun laws also such as secure storage laws require people to lock up their guns to prevent unsupervised access to guns. These laws specifically seek to prevent unsupervised access by minors. This is important to take into account because a mass of school shooters are minors that obtain guns from their own homes. Therefore having a secure storage spot and taking extreme measures to lower the accessibility of minors accessing guns at home secure storage on guns is highly important. As well as the importance of federal laws on restrictions on guns to restrict minors from accessing