Argumentative Essay On School Shootings

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In 2023 there have already been 14 school shootings. Schools should be the last place where students should have to worry about gun violence happening during the school day. People argue whether or not schools are safe enough for their kids. Research has shown that teens have a fear that there could be a shooting that happens at their school. Schools should look into the fact that people's lives are being threatened, shootings keep happening, and schools should start taking more precautions.

According to the document “ A threat assessment perspective” youth violence is one of the greatest crimes in this country. Innocent students have become a target for shooters. Schools try to do their best in trying to protect their students. Communities around the country are proving that “prevention and intervention” strategies help young students stay out of trouble and so that they don’t become a target to shooters. Some schools are using metal detectors to see if any students have weapons on them that will harm other students. Over all 57% of teens say that they are worried that there will be a possible shooting at their school. …show more content…

at an alarming rate, but they rarely happen elsewhere in the world”. In 2022 there were 27 school shootings that all happened in the United States. This means that there were 27 shootings leaving many people injured or dead. Some reasons why they keep happening is schools have a bad security system or schools aren't aware of weapons students have with them. School shootings happen all around the United States. It seems that the shooter picks a school they had a bad experience at or someone had made them angry about something and they want revenge or even if they just picked a random school. There really isn’t an answer on why school shootings keep happening. There isn’t much we can do,except to protect our schools