
Guns Germs And Steel Essay Questions

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1. Where is Harrison and why does he not live at home?
Harrison is in prison. He is the son of George and Hazel. He was strong, handsome, a genius, and an athlete. These traits, mostly his heightened intelligence, and his breaking of the societies rules are what landed him in prison. Harrison does not live at home, because at 14 he was arrested under suspicion of over throwing the government and regarded as “extremely dangerous.”
2. What are handicaps?
Handicaps are devices used to inhibit the abilities of the person who wears them. They are used to ensure equality in the society. A few examples are the ear piece worn by George that make a sound every 20 seconds that disrupts his thoughts preventing him from “taking advantage” of his brain. Then, there are hideous mask worn by people regarded as beautiful. Also, people who were athletically capable were forced to wear heavy metals. These devices were required by law to be worn by individuals who possessed the mentioned traits, and people are punished for removing them.
3. Why is it significant that Hazel does not wear any? What does this show us about the “normal” level of intelligence in this society?
It is significant that Hazel does not wear any handicap because she is regarded as average. This shows the reader the level of intellect one …show more content…

In the story the society has up to 213 Amendments. The laws are used to suppress a particular group of people who would otherwise excel in their everyday lives. The same laws were put in place to protect handicaps and make them feel equal to others. However, while those members are protected others are not so fortunate. Persons who have above average capabilities and talents are forced to wear ear pieces, metals and mask. Vonnegut is trying to make the point that equality can not be achieved by making one group of people superior to the

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