
Guppy Fish

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Gas exchange is a process in which two different gases are travelling in opposite directions;inhaled air is transferred from the lungs into the bloodstream and the release of carbon dioxide,from the bloodstream,through exhaled air.A suitable Gas exchange surface would include thin,moist and large characteristics.An efficient Gas exchange is vital as it is linked with respiration in animals.

Guppy Fish (Poecilia reticulata):
The Guppy fish belong to the Poecilia Reticulata family.Guppy fish are water-based animals that have an external gas exchange system that is constantly exposed to water. The water is an extremely important and efficient habitat for the guppy fish as the water prevents the gills from sticking together or collapsing like …show more content…

The gas exchange is external which means it is constantly kept moist by the water.
Gills membranes are permeable (absorbent) to create a surface area for gas exchange.

This gas exchange system is only suitable for water;it needs the buoyancy of the water to keep the lamellae and filaments separate.
The gills are external and need to be kept moist so if exposed to air they would dry out.
When they’re on land the lamellae and filaments will stick together which will reduce the surface area and reduce gas exchange sufficiency.

Leopard (Panthera pardus):
Leopards are apart of the Panthera Pardus family.Leopards take oxygen into their bodies and release carbon dioxide-this is known as gaseous exchange.Leopards are terrestrial animals that over time have developed lungs for gas exchange.Lungs are internal organs that are commonly found in pairs and are connected by tubes e.g bronchioles,bronchi and trachea.The alveoli provides a large surface area and produces a fluid that keeps the respiratory system moist which is needed for gas exchange.This particular gas exchange system is only suitable for the air surrounding conditions and allows for the efficient diffusion of gases that Leopards need because they’re high energy mammals.Oxygen enters the leopards lungs through the nose and mouth.The nose moistens the air as it travels through the nasal passages to maintain the moisture needed for an efficient

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