Gym Candy Essay

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Don't Mess with Steroids
Steroids can cause numerous side effects in teens including male breast growth. In the book, Gym Candy by Carl Dueker, the main character, Mick, was a high school football player who used steroids to perform better in football games. Mick’s trainer introduced him to steroids and told him some of the side effects of the drug including breast growth and zits. Mick decided to take steroids anyway. He experienced both of the side effects that his trainer mentioned. Finally, after getting embarrassed when his friends see his breasts and zits, Mick goes to rehab to drop his habit. Mick learned a lesson in Gym Candy that steroid benefits are not worth the health risks. Teens and Steroids can be a dangerous mix. Steroids …show more content…

I put the revolver to my temple felt the coldness of the muzzle there. Took a deep breath, took another one, and pulled the trigger” (Dueker 297). Mick’s use of steroids caused him to make a horrible decision and attempt suicide. The main character's use of steroids in high school was so severe that it caused him to almost kill himself. “For example, males who begin using anabolic steroids during the teen years show increased impulsivity and decreased attention compared to men who begin using steroids in their adult years.” (National Institute on Drug Abuse 2018) The main character started using steroids as a teenager which caused him to be impulsive and attempt to kill himself. When teens start using steroids at a young age, the risks and side effects are worse than if they start as …show more content…

“On the other hand, many strength athletes are convinced that doctors and the government advance the “Side effect” argument mostly as a scare tactic to preserve the “purity” of athletic competition.” (Collin 2003) Some athletes believe steroids effects are magnified by medical professionals, however the drugs can cause serious side effects especially to young people. Peter, the trainer, told Mick, "I took it for a year. I do different things now, but I never had any problems. You’ll able to lift longer. People know steroids make you stronger. Guys go off and on steroids all the time” (Dueker 176). Mick’s trainer convinced Mick that steroids were not bad or addictive. Many people focus on how steroids can make athletics stronger instead of all the bad things steroids do to the body and mind. “Both boy and girls may also experience mood swings and aggressive behavior, which can impact the lives not only of those taking steroids, but of everyone a round them” (Us Food and Drug 2017) Teens, in general are known for already have moods swings and aggressive behavior because of hormones and puberty. Teens taking illegal drugs, like steroids, will end up hurting themselves and others who care about them. Steroids hurt them physically and mentally. In conclusion, although steroids may have harmful effects on teens, there are several other things that affect teen moods including hormones and